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BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme buy and sell spreads

The current buy and sell spreads are outlined below. 

BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme fund Buy spread Sell spread
High Growth Fund 0.08% 0.06%
Growth Fund 0.09% 0.07%
Balanced Fund 0.10% 0.09%
Default Fund 0.09% 0.08%
Moderate Fund 0.10% 0.09%
Conservative Fund 0.10% 0.09%
First Home Buyers Fund  0.05% 0.04%
Cash Fund 0.00% 0.00%

Buy and sell spreads can be subject to change from time to time without notice.

You can also view our buy and sell spread ranges in the fees and charges section of More about the BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme pdf 315KB  

See the latest available BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme unit prices