Our investment fund options

The BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme has a range of funds to invest in, each offering a different level of potential return depending on the types of assets the funds are invested in, and the amount of risk you’re willing to take. 

Growth assets^ will typically experience larger movements in value compared to income assets^, so they have the potential to achieve higher investment returns over the longer term, however you need to be willing to accept more risk.

High Growth Fund

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
12 years

Aims to achieve the highest returns of the Funds over the long term.

Target investment mix
100% growth assets^

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a Growth Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

67% International equities
33% Australasian equities

Growth Fund

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
10 years

Aims to achieve higher returns over the long term.

Target investment mix
20% income, 80% growth assets

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a Growth Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

53% International equities
27% Australasian equities
14% International fixed interest
5% New Zealand fixed interest
1% Cash & cash equivalents

Balanced Fund^

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
7 years

Aims to achieve a medium level of return over the medium to long term.

Target investment mix
40% income, 60% growth assets

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a Balanced Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

40% International equities
26% International fixed interest
20% Australasian equities
9% New Zealand fixed interest
5% Cash & cash equivalents

Default Fund^

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
7 years

Aims to achieve a medium level of return over the medium to long term.

Target investment mix
40% income, 60% growth assets

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a Default Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

40% International equities
26% International fixed interest
20% Australasian equities
9% New Zealand fixed interest
5% Cash & cash equivalents

Moderate Fund

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
5 years

Aims to achieve moderate returns over the medium term.

Target investment mix
60% income, 40% growth assets

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a Moderate Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

34% International fixed interest
27% International equities
15% Cash & cash equivalents
13% Australasian equities
11% New Zealand fixed interest

Conservative Fund

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
3 years

Aims to achieve relatively stable returns over the short to medium term.

Target investment mix
80% income, 20% growth assets

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a Conservative Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

41% International fixed interest
25% Cash & cash equivalents
14% New Zealand fixed interest
13% International equities
7% Australasian equities

First Home Buyer Fund

Minimum suggested investment timeframe:
3 years

Aims to achieve relatively stable returns over the short to medium term.

Target investment mix
85% income, 15% growth assets

Pie chart showing the distribution of investments in a First Home Buyer Fund. The percentages are described after the image.

60% Cash & cash equivalents
19% International fixed interest
10% International equities
6% New Zealand fixed interest
5% Australasian equities

Cash Fund

No minimum suggested investment timeframe

Aims to achieve stable returns over the short term.

Target investment mix
100% income assets

graph cash fund

100% Cash & cash equivalents

About the mix of our investments

  • The actual investment mixes may vary, depending on market movements and other factors, within allowable investment ranges.

  • The Fund objectives, target investment mixes, and allowable investment ranges may change from time to time without prior notice to you. The objectives, target investment mixes, and allowable investment ranges are set out in the current BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives (SIPO) PDF 470KB