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KiwiSaver help and support
Joining age for KiwiSaver
Explaining KiwiSaver fees
Understanding your annual statement
Understanding your tax certificate
KiwiSaver Government contribution
Getting the most out of your account
BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme fund updates
KiwiSaver periodic disclosures
BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme documents
BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme buy and sell spreads
Withdrawing funds
Accessing funds at retirement
Buying a home with KiwiSaver
Moving overseas permanently
KiwiSaver and significant financial hardship
Experiencing serious illness
BNZ KiwiSaver scheme member has passed away
Australian superannuation
Withdrawing savings if you have a congenital condition
Transferring funds
Transferring your savings to New Zealand
Transferring your savings overseas
Contact us
You can message us in
Internet Banking
or the
BNZ app