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Investments support
Explaining how portfolio investment entities (PIEs) benefit different investors
Understanding portfolio investment entities (PIEs)
Understanding resident withholding tax (RWT)
Explaining non-resident withholding tax (NRWT) and the approved issuer levy (AIL)
Providing your resident withholding tax (RWT) rate and IRD number
Explaining buy and sell spreads
Term deposits
Making an early withdrawal from your term investment
YouWealth managed funds
Making a withdrawal from your YouWealth account
Making regular or lump sum investments
YouWealth fund updates
Switching between YouWealth funds
YouWealth documents
Understanding your YouWealth tax certificate
YouWealth buy and sell spreads
Viewing your YouWealth transactions in Internet Banking or the BNZ app
Prescribed investor rate
Notifying us of your current prescribed investor rate (PIR)
Working out your prescribed investor rate (PIR)
Private Wealth Series
Private Wealth Series buy and sell spreads
Private Wealth Series documents
Term PIE
Term PIE documents
Term PIE fund updates
Contact us
You can message us in
Internet Banking
or the
BNZ app