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Same-day cleared payments

Use same-day cleared payments to transfer a single payment to another New Zealand bank account, e.g. during a real estate settlement or for customs clearances.

Same-day cleared payments are made as soon as they’re authorised. They can’t be reversed and you’ll pay a fee for each transaction.

How to make a same-day cleared payment

To make a same-day cleared payment, go to the ‘Transfer/Pay’ tab of Internet Banking for Business, then:

  • choose ‘Make a same-day cleared payment’ from the left-hand menu
  • choose the account you want to make a payment from and enter the amount
  • choose ‘Beneficiary Account Payment’, or ‘Beneficiary SWIFT BIC’ if you’re paying the New Zealand Stock exchange, and select ‘Next’
  • enter the details of the person you want to make a payment to
  • enter the payee’s email address if you want them to be notified when the payment is made
  • click on ‘Next’ to finish creating the payment 
  • click on ‘Next/Proceed to Authorisation’. Your payment will be transferred as soon as it is authorised.