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Individualised Payments

For payments that contain multiple transaction items, you can choose to individualise them. This means that the transaction items will appear as separate transactions on your statement and Transaction History screen instead of one bulk payment. You can also choose how you want to manage the particulars, code and reference fields.

This setting is available if you are making one of these types of payments:

For more information about uploading payment files, refer to the File Format Guide pdf 244KB.


Individualising payments may affect how much you will be charged. For a bulk (non-individualised) payment, fees are calculated like this:

bulk 640px

For an individualised payment, fees are calculated like this:
individ 640px

Invoices and statements

Your Internet Banking for Business invoice for individualised payments will look something like this:

IB4B Mthly Invoice

 Your transaction fees will show on your statement like this:

statement recreate2 800px

How to change the particulars, code and reference fields for individualised payments

Once you have selected to individualise a payment in the ‘Set up your statement details’ area, you can choose to manage the particulars, code and reference fields that go onto yours and the other party’s statements.

ib4b statement dropdown

  • Yours and other party's individually – use this option to manually enter or edit each of the fields on both yours and the other party’s statements.
  • Copy them from the other party – for each transaction item, the particulars, code and reference fields are copied from the other party and will appear on your statement.
  • Make just yours all the same – enter values for your particulars, code and reference that will be copied across all transaction items. The other party’s details will not be affected.

If you are making a payment from a file, you can edit particulars code and reference details before importing the file, or you can use the bulk indicator column. Check the File Format Guide PDF 244KB  for details.

Other payment options

Watch our video to find out how to make one-off payments, how to upload files, and how to create payment templates in Internet Banking for Business.