Help & Support

Retrying business payments

If we can’t process a transfer, direct credit, automatic payment, bill or tax payment because there isn’t enough money in your account, we’ll change the payment’s status to ‘Retrying’.

What we do to retry a payment

We’ll keep trying to make the payment:

  • every hour between 7am and 11pm on the day the payment is due
  • at 11:45pm on the day that the payment is due
  • at 4:30am on the morning of the next day.

If we still can’t make the payment, it won’t be processed and will fail.

What you can do to retry a payment

If you have the ‘Authorise activity' role you can use the ‘Retry Now’ button to retry the payment as soon as the money is available.  Find the ‘Retry Now’ button in:

  • the ‘Transfer and Payments List’ of your Internet Banking site
  • the ‘Authorise Payments list’ on the Mobile Business Banking app.

Setting up payment notifications

You can set up email notifications to advise you if a payment:

  • can’t be made on it’s due date
  • is cleared after retrying
  • has failed after a final retry.

Email notifications can be created by a user with permission to manage notifications. When you set up the notification, double check the recipient’s email address to make sure that the right person will get the email.