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Staying safe and secure with Google Pay

There are many ways Google Pay works to keep your debit and credit card details safe:

Protecting your privacy

  • Each card you add gets a virtual account number that merchants see when you make a purchase. Your payment information isn’t shared with merchants.
  • Your payment information is encrypted and stored on secure servers.

Staying secure

  • You'll need to set up a screen lock on your device before you add cards. If you turn screen lock off, Google Pay removes your cards for your protection.
  • If you make three consecutive payments without unlocking your phone, you'll be prompted to unlock your phone before you can make another.
  • If your device has been turned off, lost, or otherwise inactive in the last 90 days, then cards will be deleted for your security.

Reporting concerns

If you experience unusual activity while using Google Pay with your BNZ Visa debit or credit card, please contact us straight away on 0800 735 901 (from overseas, call +64 4 473 5901 (You can call collect from a landline).

Visit the Google Pay website for more information on Google Pay security.


Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.