Help & Support

Email notifications

Send and receive email updates about account balances and payments using the ‘Notifications’ function in Internet Banking for Business.

Any of your internet banking site users can receive an email notification. To send an email to someone else, you will need to add them as a user first. Email addresses and user information can be edited in the ‘Administration’ section.

Setting up a notification

Email notifications can be set up by any user with the ‘Manage Notifications’ permissions.

Go to the ‘Administration’ section of Internet Banking for Business, then:

  • choose ‘Notifications’ from the left-hand menu
  • select ‘Create a new notification’
  • choose the type of notification, the account, and the event that will trigger the email from the drop down menu 
  • use the check boxes to select the users you want to send the notification to
  • select ‘Save notification’.

Editing and cancelling notifications

Email notifications can be stopped or edited by users with the ‘Manage Notifications’ permission.

Go to the ‘Administration’ section of Internet Banking for Business, then:

  • choose ‘Notifications’ from the left-hand menu
  • find the notification you want to cancel or make changes to
  • select ‘Edit’, and then make and save your changes, or 
  • select ‘Cancel’ to stop the notification.