
BNZ disclosure statement

Disclosure statement for the six months ended 31 March 2024 PDF 585KB

Our disclosure statements give you corporate, financial, and risk-related information about the bank.

If you’re looking for product disclosure statements, visit our terms and conditions page

Financial advice legislation

We’re a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

This means that we’re regulated by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). They’re responsible for managing and monitoring the services we provide, to make sure we’re doing our business properly.

You can check out our status as a FAP at any time.

Download a copy of the BNZ FAP Disclosure Statement pdf 71kb or request a copy free of charge in branch.

Capital and funding

BNZ and BNZ International Funding Limited (BNZIF) maintain a diversified funding portfolio by accessing offshore and domestic debt markets.

Senior debt securities include:

  • United States Commercial Paper (USCP)
  • Global Medium Term Notes (GMTN)
  • Domestic Bonds and Notes
  • Covered Bonds.

Regulatory capital instruments include:

  • Perpetual Preference Shares (PPS).

Information for investors