Responsible investing

Investing responsibly can benefit communities and the environment. It may lead to sustainable returns, supporting the long-term interests of investors.

Working together to invest responsibly

BNZ Investment Services Limited (BNZISL) manages the investment products available through BNZ, including:

  • the BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme
  • YouWealth
  • Private Wealth Series. 

BNZ works with BNZISL to make sure these products help our customers achieve their investment goals. BNZISL considers environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in its management approach.

What BNZISL is responsible for

BNZISL decides how to invest the assets of the investment products available through BNZ. It does this by appointing underlying investment managers that select the investments for each asset class. These include shares, bonds, property, and cash. 

When BNZISL appoints or reviews its investment managers, it considers how they incorporate ESG factors into their investment process.

How BNZISL invests

The BNZISL Responsible Investment Policy describes the guiding principles for how BNZISL invests responsibly. It covers: 

  • ESG factors in investment decision making
  • investment exclusions
  • climate change
  • other sustainability considerations.

BNZISL expects its investment managers to engage on ESG matters with companies they invest in.

Excluding harmful activities

BNZISL doesn’t invest in companies involved in or profiting from certain harmful activities. This is a summary of what activities are excluded from investment. Full details are outlined in the BNZISL Responsible Investment Policy (PDF 82KB).

Fossil fuels

Companies are excluded if they:

  • mine, process, or market thermal coal as their primary business
  • are engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas as their primary business
  • own proved or probable reserves in coal, oil, or gas and derive at least 15% of their revenue from exploration and extraction of coal, oil, or gas.


Companies are excluded if they generate more than 10% of their revenue from:

  • owning or operating gambling establishments, including online gambling
  • manufacturing or importing specialised equipment used exclusively for gambling, or supporting gambling products and services.


Companies are excluded if they:

  • are involved in the manufacture of tobacco, tobacco products, or vaping products
  • generate more than 10% of their revenue from specialised tobacco or vaping products wholesaling and retailing.   

Adult entertainment

Companies are excluded if they generate more than 10% of their revenue from the production or distribution of adult entertainment material, products, and services.

Weapons and devices

Companies are excluded if they’re involved in:

  • specified activities relating to cluster munitions, anti-personnel mines, or nuclear explosive devices
  • the manufacture of assault weapons for civilian use. 


Companies are excluded if they’re actively involved in hunting whales for commercial purposes or the processing of whale meat.

Climate action and reporting

BNZISL’s climate action plan can be found in its responsible investment policy (82KB). As a climate-reporting entity, it produces climate statements for its investment products.

Underlying investment managers

BNZISL uses experienced investment managers with global and domestic expertise. They use active and passive management styles to achieve their investment objectives. 

Asset class

Investment managers

Cash and cash equivalents

Harbour Asset Management Limited

New Zealand fixed interest

Harbour Asset Management Limited

International fixed interest

Threadneedle Asset Management Limited
State Street Global Advisors, Australia, Limited

Australasian equities

Harbour Asset Management Limited

International equities

State Street Global Advisors, Australia, Limited (for BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme, YouWealth)
Antipodes Partners Limited (for Private Wealth Series)
C WorldWide Asset Management Fondsmaeglerselskab A/S (for Private Wealth Series)
T. Rowe Price Australia Limited (for Private Wealth Series) 
Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. (for Private Wealth Series) 

While BNZ aims to keep this information current, the underlying investment managers can be added to, removed, or changed without prior notice.

Small Print
  1. BNZ Investment Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harbour Asset Management Limited, is the issuer and manager of the BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme, YouWealth and Private Wealth Series. Download a copy of the Product Disclosure Statements below:

    - BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 1.1MB)
    - YouWealth Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 933KB)
    - Private Wealth Series Disclosure Statement (PDF 1MB) 

    Investments in the BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme, YouWealth and Private Wealth Series are not bank deposits or other liabilities of Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) or any other member of the National Australia Bank Limited group. They are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment. You could get back less than the total contributed. No person (including the New Zealand Government) guarantees (either fully or in part) the performance or returns of the BNZ KiwiSaver Scheme, YouWealth or Private Wealth Series, or the repayment of amounts contributed. National Australia Bank Limited, the ultimate owner of BNZ, is not a registered bank in New Zealand but a licensed bank in Australia and is not authorised to offer the products and services mentioned on this webpage to customers in New Zealand.

    BNZ Investment Services Limited (BNZISL) uses the BNZ brand under licence from Bank of New Zealand, whose ultimate parent company is National Australia Bank Limited. No member of the FirstCape group (including BNZISL) is a member of the NAB group of companies (NAB Group). No member of the NAB Group (including Bank of New Zealand) guarantees, or supports, the performance of any member of FirstCape group’s obligations to any party.