Our home loan types

Find the type of home loan that best suits your budget and lifestyle.

Standard (fixed or floating rate)

With a fixed-rate Standard home loan, you’ll be able to repay up to an extra 5% of your loan balance each year, on top of your regular repayments, without paying an early repayment charge. With a floating-rate Standard home loan, you can make extra repayments or lump sum payments, without early repayment charges. More about fixed or floating rate loans

TotalMoney / Offsetting (floating rate)

A TotalMoney home loan aims to help you save on interest and pay off your home loan faster, using the balance of your everyday accounts. This loan looks at the combined balances of your TotalMoney everyday accounts and subtracts these from the balance of your TotalMoney home loan, so you only pay interest on the remaining amount. More about TotalMoney

Rapid Repay / Revolving credit (floating rate)

A revolving credit home loan is designed to help save on interest by reducing your daily loan balance as much as possible. Revolving credit home loans have a floating interest rate. Interest is calculated daily and debited monthly.  More about revolving credit home loans

Great features of our home loans

Structured to suit

Choose one of our fixed or floating rates, or mix and match a combination of the two by splitting your home loan (mortgage) into fixed and floating portions.

Lock in a rate

If you like the look of one of our fixed rates, we can hold it for up to 60 days so you don’t miss out.

Pay your loan off faster

TotalMoney aims to help you reduce the amount of interest you pay and potentially become mortgage-free, faster.

Option to pay extra

You can repay any amount, anytime with our floating home loans. For fixed loans, you may be able to make some additional repayments per year.

Range of term options

We offer home loan terms of up to 30 years, and can work with you to choose the best term for your circumstances.

Topping up is easy

You could apply to top-up your loan at any time, and borrow extra money using the equity in your home. 

Small Print

All home loans are subject to our lending criteria (including minimum equity requirements), terms and fees. Interest rates are subject to change. An establishment fee of up to $150 may apply. Not for business purposes.

  1. ‘Loan balance’ means the loan amount outstanding at the start of your fixed rate period. ‘Year’ covers any consecutive 12-month period within your fixed rate period. The first 12-month period always starts on the first day of the fixed rate period.

  2. TotalMoney Terms and Conditions also apply.

  3. Ratelock break fee may apply.

  4. Terms and conditions and early repayment charges may apply.

More about our home loans terms and conditions