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Taking payments with your PayClip terminal

To learn how to take card payments with your PayClip terminal, follow the steps below, or use the downloadable guide

1. Enter the purchase amount

On the payment screen, enter the amount. You can tap the tag icon in the top-right hand corner of the terminal screen to add a reference to the transaction, which you can see in your transaction history. Tap Purchase

2. Take your customer’s payment

Your customer then taps, inserts, or swipes their card or mobile wallet, and enters their PIN if prompted. 

3. Payment is approved

The terminal will display “Approved” to confirm the payment has been successful. If the payment isn’t approved, please call us on 0800 729 254.

4. Choose if the customer would like a receipt

Select Email to send a receipt or No Thanks to complete the transaction. 

Watch the video

Watch our video on how to take a payment with your PayClip terminal. 

Download the guide

PayClip quick start guide PDF 660KB