Help cover loan repayments, funeral costs and your family's living expenses. If you die, or are diagnosed with a terminal illness and are not expected to live for more than 12 months, a tax-free lump sum (under current law) is paid. To apply you must be between the ages of 16 and 79 years. Cover continues so long as premiums are paid.
Helps relieve the financial strain if you suffer one of the critical conditions listed below.
Critical condition cover provides you a tax free lump sum (under current law) so you can focus on getting better.
You can choose the level of cover that suits you up to the maximum of the death and terminal illness sum insured.
To apply you must be between the ages of 16 and 60. Cover ends once you reach the age of 65.
Provides the lump sum benefit shown on your policy schedule if you suffer permanent disability.
This will help you cover loan repayments, your family's living expenses and any additional expenses you may incur for extra housing, care and support should you become totally and permanently disabled.
To apply you must be between the ages of 16 and 60. Cover ends once you reach the age of 65.
Covers up to 55% of your income for up to two or five years if you are unable to work through illness or injury.
With all Temporary Disability cover you can select a 30, 60 or 90day stand-down period before claim payments commences. Claim payments are made monthly in arrears.
To apply you must be working 20 hours or more per week and be between the ages of 16 and 60. Cover ends once you reach age 65.
Covers up to 55% of your income for up to six months if you are made redundant.
If you make a claim under this cover, there is a 30-day stand-down period before claim commences. Claim payments are made monthly in arrears. To apply you must be working 30 hours or more per week and be between the ages of 16 and 60. Cover ends once you reach the age of 65. Self employed and contractors are not eligible.
Occupation Description | Example Occupations |
Professional white collar occupations, administrative or clerical, sedentary office based work | For example: doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, IT professionals, accountants, receptionists, call centre staff, office workers, banking staff |
Office or shop based workers with some light manual duties | For example: retail workers, beauticians, florists, jewellers, tailors, sales representatives, photographers |
Qualified nurses/qualified tradespeople | For example: qualified builders, electricians, bakers, nurses, paramedics, mechanics, midwives, butchers, chefs |
Employment containing heavy manual duties | For example: non-qualified tradespeople, bricklayers, cleaners, personal trainers, bus drivers, bar staff |
Employment in a high risk occupation | For example: someone working in the armed forces, firemen, police officers, mine workers, helicopter pilots, musicians, dancers, professional athletes, divers |
Homemaker | Stay-at-home parent with dependents that is not receiving a benefit |
This is amount of time you would need to wait after being temporarily disabled before your Temporary Disability claim payments would proceed (on acceptance). A longer Stand Down period will lower the Temporary Disability premium - but also means that you have to be disabled for longer from illness / injury to be able to claim.
This is the maximum period you are able to receive the Temporary Disability benefit if you make a claim. A more severe illness/injury may mean you are off work for longer, then a longer benefit term could provide an income while you can't work, but it will increase the Temporary Disability premium.